
Curtesy posting for

Cashew was trained at Lunenberg Correctional Facility in 2019 as a part of FETCH A Cure’s Pixie's Pen Pals Program. Her handler writes, “Cashew is a special case in that she needs an owner who can understand that behind her love, affection, and personality is fear from a dreadful past. Cashew does not give her trust to anyone and everyone, it is something that must be earned by those who care for her. She requires someone who will give her the time and patience she needs to feel comfortable. Yet the joy she brings with her beautiful personality and affection makes her one of those unforgettable absolutely remarkable friends for life.”

Cashew is looking for an experienced dog owner that is willing to put in the time to continue her training and socialization. She would prefer to be the only dog in the home, but has gotten along well with calm dogs. Cashew is not suitable for a home with children. She loves to snuggle and will hang with you on the couch all day. She is approximately 5 years old and about 35 pounds.

Jordan McDonald