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Basic Obedience Level I - Starts 4.22

Cost: $175

Course Schedule:
Intro - Sat, Apr 22 - 2pm - Zoom
Week 1 - Sat, Apr 29 - 2pm - Stony Point
Week 2 - Sat, May 6 - 2pm - Community West Church
Week 3 - Sat, May 13 - 2pm - Pushed due to weather
Week 3 - Sat, May 20 - 2pm - Stony Point
Week 4 - Sat, June 3 - 2pm - Stony Point

Week 5 - Sat, June 10 - 2pm - Stony Point


Week 6 - Sat, June 24 - 2pm - Stony Point
Week 7 - Sat, July 1 - 2pm - Stony Point GRADUATION 🎓

Some of these classes are held outdoors. Adverse weather conditions may result in changes to the schedule.

To participate in class, 2SD requires proof of at least two rounds of the following vaccinations: distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza (typically reflected in records as 'DHPP'), as well as bordetella. Proof of rabies vaccination is required for puppies 16 weeks and older.

This class has a well-rounded beginner curriculum designed to introduce obedience as well as good manners and social behavior. Basic Level I is appropriate for pups of all ages with little to no previous obedience training, including:

--Young pups (typically in the 6-12 month range)
--Rescue/adopted dogs
--Adult dogs that have not previously attended a formal obedience class
--Pups that have recently completed our New Puppy Socialization Class!

We cover basic obedience commands such as sit, down, stay, leave it, etc. We also introduce leash walking, feeding rituals, tricks, and strategies for impolite behaviors such as jumping. This is an on-leash class. Pups under 1 year of age will have the opportunity to earn their AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy title on graduation night.

2SpeakDog encourages attendance by the whole family. If you have young children, we ask that two adults attend class when possible.

Please Note: If you are interested in training two or more dogs, whether they are litter mates or just house mates, please sign them up for classes or workshops individually. We do not recommend having both dogs in the same class, as they will be more successful building confidence on their own, learning to rely on you, instead of their pack mates.